Useful Small Equipment For Home

We recommend the following equipment as essential, practical, and comprehensive for all of your local body systems strength work, and stretching needs. We have kept this list as minimal as possible to ensure it is storable and travelable. You will find fixing points for the TheraBand exercises in any household in the form of door handles, heavy table legs and radiator pipes. Failing that, you could always ask a friend to allow you to wrap it around their legs and return the favour!



A rubber band that stretches to provide resistance. This can be purchased with a variety of resistance levels that are colour coded. We would recommend a blue colour as a good all-round resistance level.


Release balls

These are tennis ball-sized balls with a much harder texture, which does not lose shape over time. These can be purchased in a range of solidity, from soft to hard. We recommend beginning softer and working your way up for something firmer as you get used to it.



This is a cylindrical piece of foam, which can be used for release work and strengthening work. They come in a larger form if you want something you can keep at home. We also recommend a smaller, more portable, option to take with you wherever you go.


Inflatable ball

This is what it says on the tin. These can be useful as a weight-bearing support or to provide resistance in certain positions.


Stretch strap

This is a taut strap, much like a belt or dressing-gown chord, that can be used to assist in stretching.


Yoga block

This is a rectangular shaped block that you can sit on, stand on, or use to provide stability.  It comes in two shapes / sizes that can be utilised to positive effect in different exercises.  Alternatively, a few solid books stacked up can be a good option. 


We also recommend the following, non-portable, two bits of kit for home use.


Small stool

This is used for some strengthening and stretching exercises and can easily be acquired wherever you are. However, having something at home that is designated specifically for your exercises will make life easier when used on a regular basis.


Kettle bell


This is an iron weight shaped like a kettle. It is common in most gyms and is useful for release work on the inner thighs from time to time.


This is a section that we have found useful when working with clients over the years.  Please let us know if there is anything you have found useful.  We would love to hear your comments!

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