123 Approach to Fitness

1 - Strength

Strength work does not need to be excessively hard work, as long a you know where to target.

Hello Everyone, A huge thank you again for your support with the creation, developmet, and publication of our book! We have reached £1,510, which is 20% of our target of 7.5K! So, please continue to share the opportunity to pre-order our book and receive instructional videos with our 5 day challenge, by pledging through clicking on this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/123approachtofitness/the-123-approach-to-fitness

2 - Stretch

Combining release work with stretching is a divine combination for undoing tension.

We thought we would share a few shots from our second photoshoot this week. We wanted to add in some images with us in too, so you get to see that we practice what we preach.

3 - Release

We argue in our book that this missing element makes all the difference…

See you all soon!

Arran & Dave

Arran KnightComment